Apna Ghar Ashram, Ameenagar Sarai

Apna Ghar Ashram, Ameenagar Sarai is inaugurated on dated 30th Nov. 2020 in the building provided by “Sh. Praveen Jain education trust, Meerut”. The 50 bedded capacity building is situated in Shanti lok Hospital Bhawan, Ameenagar Sarai, Presently 39 Prabhuji are residing and getting services here. All facilities like residential clothing, treatment, food and other are being provided to the resident without any charges and with the support of the society. The excess Prabhuji beyond capacity will be transferred to Apna Ghar Ashram Bharatpur till expansion of this Ashram, for care and support.

Committee  Members

S.No. Name Designation Contact No.
1 Shri Ishwar Dayal Aggarwal President 9412677201
2 Mr. Pankaj Gupta Secretary
3 Mr. Sudhir Mittal Finance Secretary

Bank Account  Details

S.No. Account Name Bank Name IFSC Code Account No.
1 Ameenagar Sarai, Bagpath Punjab National Bank PUNB0051200 512000100488753

Contact us

Shantilok Hospital, Aminagar Sarai, Baghpat (UP)