The main object of the organisation is to provide rescue and care for each and every helpless destitute sick person who is in need. To fulfill this object the organization wishes to open Apna Ghar Ashram in every city of India. For this, the city in which the building is made available to the organization, the services of the Apna Ghar are started.
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How to start Apna Ghar in your city
Any individual/organisation/Trust/ Government can provide a building to open Apna Ghar Ashram is their area, with following requirements-
- The residential capacity of the building should be at least 50 beds, having an approximate constructed area of 6000 sqft.
- There should be provision for kitchen, dispensary, office, staff room, store, etc. in this building.
- There should be proper light, water, and sanitary facilities available in the building.
- The proposed building should be within 15 km range from the hospital. The distance of building in town cities should be within 10 km from the town and in Metro cities, this distance should be within 20 km range.
The Ashram can be started and run in the following two ways-

In first way, only building can be made available with above facilities by any agency/individual to the organisation for running Apna Ghar Ashram in all aspect.

In second way, the other agency/organisation can themselves run Apna Ghar Ashram in their area and full technical and other necessary including monitoring support will be provided by the Organisation in this regard.